The Objective Blog

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The Radar: June 28, 2017

June 28th, 2017 - by Isabel - Salt Lake City, Utah

Password Reset Hackers

If your software includes a password reset feature, you should learn how a attacker can leverage the password reset process to gain access to user credentials in a “Man in the Middle Attack”.

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The Language of Emojis

In the work place, communication and efficiency are key. Slack has created a culture of efficient communication using emojis.

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Sketch 44

Introducing Sketch 44, an awesome update that allows designers to scale things while keeping some design features proportional.

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The Value of Good Work Relationships

Technology has made it less necessary to interact with coworkers than in the past. This article talks about the value of good relationships at work and its effects on your health and wellbeing.

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In an effort to narrow the skills gap, Udacity created Nanodegrees for various technical and non-technical skills. Their most recent Nanodegree course is on React.

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Spoilerwall Instead of Firewall

Respond to port scanning requests with movie spoilers!

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