The Objective Blog

Keep up with what we're thinking, reading, and doing.

The Radar: April 13, 2016

April 13th, 2016 - by Michelle Mann - Salt Lake City, Utah

Keeping up with design and technology is a lot of work. Luckily, we enjoy wading through the noise just to find the gems of awesomeness sprinkled throughout. The Radar is our gift to you, Current or Potential Client, so that you can enjoy all of the awesome without any of the drudgery. Unwrap it each week, and know that you’re loved by the geeks and pixel-pushers at Objective.


Universal clipboard management across devices… finally!

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Hacker Lexicon

After the San Bernardino hack, it was reported that a “gray hat hacker” saved the day. Learn the difference between white-, gray-, and black-hat hackers.

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Super Markup Man

An upcoming game that teaches html by making the user order the tags correctly.

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Ruby Enumerable Module

The Enumerable module in Ruby is powerful, and understanding it can help you understand everyday Ruby code better. This post explains what it is, how it is used, and how you can use it.

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A text editor that re-creates a lot, but intentionally not all of, the behavior of Vim.

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Interactive Infographs

These interactive, multi-media sites make sure to deliver information in an engaging learning style.

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