The Objective Blog

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The Radar: March 2, 2016

March 2nd, 2016 - by Michelle Mann - Salt Lake City, Utah

Keeping up with design and technology is a lot of work. Luckily, we enjoy wading through the noise just to find the gems of awesomeness sprinkled throughout. The Radar is our gift to you, Current or Potential Client, so that you can enjoy all of the awesome without any of the drudgery. Unwrap it each week, and know that you’re loved by the geeks and pixel-pushers at Objective.

New Decryption Attack

A new SSL decryption attack is putting millions of websites at risk.

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Software Architecture and Marathons

A programmer compares software architecture to running a marathon.

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Slate is a tool for generating api documentation. Some of the best features include: Everything is written in Markdown, use multiple programming languages, and hosted in a public Github repository.

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A Designer’s Guide to the Design Industry

Who Does What? This article takes out the vagueness that exists in the design world by providing examples of different design-related jobs in the tech industry.

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Designing an Empathetic User Experience

Empathy is the key to creating a successful user experience that leaves your users happy. This article outlines that a truly empathetic experience begins before there is a product to design.

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Facebook Hit with German Antitrust Investigation

Germany is not the only the first country to point a magnifying glass at Facebook’s privacy terms. They are checking to see if there is an abusive practice under competition law.

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